Creating an ongoing stream of awesome, fresh, thought provoking blog posts is a lot easier than you think. Being able to keep effective and interesting content flowing to your blog as often as possible, even daily, will spread brand awareness, increase engagement, and encourage more email list sign-ups. Not to mention it helps you make more money. And best of all, if you know how to do it, it will come to you so easily, and you will never have to struggle for content ideas again.
Repurpose What You Have – Look at your most popular content according to your analytics and engagement. Turn this content into different forms, and expand the content by adding case studies, plus add more data. Turn a ten-point blog post into ten more in-depth blog posts about each point. Create video content and embed that to your blog.
Read Group Discussions – Even if you don’t have your own group yet to run ideas by, join groups that consist of your audience, and read the active discussions. The ones where people ask questions, and people offer a lot of different answers, are the best places to get ideas. Every question can be a blog post in itself, and the discussions can help you come up with even more ideas.
Take Notes – Keep a notepad near you, or use your smartphone to take notes about conversations, questions, and other information, as you see it and hear it. You will often get ideas while driving your car, taking a jog, or listening to other people talk. Keeping notes and writing it all down, will help to expand your arsenal of blog post ideas.
Use Technology – There are idea generators like that you can plug your topic into, and it will give you ideas for content. Even if what it generates is not perfect, it may get your creative juices flowing enough to help you come up with additional ideas.
Use – This site is an amazing place to get ideas. You will see a lot of questions here, as well as answers. You can type a topic into the search bar, to find the kind of information you are looking for.
Create a Calendar – Based on product launches, including your own and those that you promote, create a content calendar that is designed to inform, educate, engage, and encourage your audience to take action.
Create Trending Content – Outside your calendar, you will want to keep your blog exciting by adding in trending, newsworthy content, that is all about what is happening in your industry right now.
Use Private Label Content – A great way to get content that you can use for your blog is to buy private label rights content (PLR). This is content that you have the right to use as your own, in any way you see fit. This type of content can help you come up with many ideas, act as research, and be ready to use with minor changes.
When you understand who your audience is, and what your goal is with the content you are publishing, it will be a lot easier to come up with ideas that are fantastic, thought provoking, fresh, exciting, and effective in meeting the enjoyment and needs of your audience.