Here Is What You Need to Know if You are Writing Online

Here Is What You Need to Know if You are Writing Online


PLR Monthly


Venturing into Writing Content Online?
Check Out What the Ideal Length is!

In online marketing, it is necessary to follow some guidelines about how long your content should be so that it will get more attention. The ideal length is fixed for each type of content that should be followed by the writers. It increases the value of your writing and maximizes the reach of your content.

You must be sure that you are providing the appropriate information to your users in a specified length. Below are some criteria for measures for different channels that must be followed before writing anything online.


  • The length of a Facebook post should not be more than 40 characters.
  • If your post follows the ideal length, your engagement rate can increase by 86%. The longer the post, the less chance of getting higher engagement.


  • The headline length of Google+ must be less than 60 characters. It would be best if you tried to keep your headline in one line rather than breaking it to the second line.
  • Average Google+ post length is considered as 156 characters.


  • Content should appear with white spaces and in the form of sections, so it will be more understandable and easier to read. For this, the length of one paragraph must be between 40-55 characters.


  • The ideal length of a tweet is 100 characters, but the maximum limit is 140 characters.
  • If the tweet is between 71-100 characters, then the chances of retweets can be increased. That is why this tweet is called medium length tweet.


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  • The ideal length to write a blog post is 1600 words, and according to Medium, the total time spent in reading a blog post is at least 7 minutes.
  • Blogs’ headline length is 6 words as no one can read the full heading. Only the starting 3 words and the last 3 words tend to be read by the audience.


  • In LinkedIn, the post length should be in between range 16-25 words. This is the length when you are marketing to businesses.
  • If you are selling to consumers, then the post should be between 21-25 words.

Title Tag

  • Title tags help you to define your page in search results. So, it would be best if you were careful about its length.
  • Your website title must not be higher than 60 characters.


  • The first thing that is noticed in the email is the subject line. Your email opening rate can be increased if it is of proper length. The exact range of the subject should be in between 28-39 characters.
  • According to statistics for 28-39 characters subject line – Opening rate is 12.2%, and the click-through rate is 4% that is maximum.


  • The hashtag is limited to a maximum length of 6 characters.
  • Avoid spaces and special characters.


  • The ideal length of a presentation is fixed at 18 minutes. If the range of the presentation is more than 18 minutes, the view rate will decrease.

The above mentioned are the ideal lengths that must be kept in mind while writing content. You will increase your engagement rate and get more likes and shares on your posts.


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